Saturday, March 5, 2011

Personal Portrait Project - Sovereign Studio

Having spent a year building our studio, I've had lots of time to think of projects I'd love to do.

Now that it's operational, one project I have just started is a portrait series.  The series will be of around 50 selected individuals whom I have some form of personal relationship with.  The end result will, I hope, be a beautiful and varied set of portraits, each reflecting a particular aspect of the individual, particularly how I see them and their strengths, character and beauty.

As a "people" photographer, I believe it's really important to put yourself in front of the camera (as painful as that is!) in order to stay in touch with what you're subjects are experiencing in front of the lens.  As such, I will also be producing at least one self portrait as part of this series.

First cab off the rank was my beautiful and very talented husband, James.  This portrait portrays James the musician, with a hint to his gentle character and humour in his eyes.

See more of my portrait photography at Kate Luke Photography


  1. Sweet - really nice stuff. And I'm very bloody pleased he kept his close on this time.

  2. Whoops, clothes, note close. DOH!

  3. D'oh you corrected before I could make fun of you. ;p
